
Keep other team members in the loop by mentioning them in your comments.

Mention Notifications

If you have been mentioned in a comment you will receive a notification count in the upper right corner near your username


You can add a mention anytime you are adding a comment to a task or a workflow. Even when you are commenting on date or user responsibility changes. To mention another user just enter the "@" and begin typing their name either first or last and you will be presented with a dropdown of all the matching usernames. Select the appropriate user and complete your comment.

Dashboard Mention Tab

To view the comments you are mentioned in just go to the dashboard and click on the "Mentions" tab. This will list all of the comments you have been mentioned in, in chronological order.

Email mention notifications

If you would like to receive an email when you are mentioned in a comment. just go to your profile page and you can check the "I'm mentioned in a comment" checkbox.