• Yes, Flowmingo has workflow and task notifications. Each user sets up their notification preferences on their user profile page.

    Notification events include:

    • When a task the user is assigned changes status.
    • The user is assigned or unassigned a task
    • A user's task is overdue
    • A comment is made to a workflow or task the user is assigned
    • A user is mentioned in a comment
  • We take the approach that the user initiating an event does not need to be notified

    For example. If you have Task A and Task B, each task has Bob and Ginger assigned to them. If Bob completes Task A causing Task B to go into process ONLY Ginger will get a notification Task B has been put into process.

  • Clicking on a workflow's status icon will bring up a workflow's "Update Status Balloon". With the correct rights you will see an option to delete the workflow.

    Deleting a workflow
  • Clicking on a workflow's status icon will bring up a workflow's "Update Status Balloon". With the correct rights you will see an option to delete the workflow.

    Purging a workflow
  • Yes. Flowmingo supports looping. Loops always start with a decision node (task #2).

    This is an example of a simple loop that will repeat tasks #3 and #4 every time the user selects the "yes" (green) branch.

    Simple workflow loop
  • There are two ways of attaching a workflow data from to a workflow.

    • From the Workflow Designer Tab

      Click on the "Details" link for the workflow template you'd like to attach the form. Then select the "Forms" tab from the popup

      Attaching a data form to a workflow
    • From the Data Designer Tab

      Click on the "Link to workflow" link for the workflow data form you'd like to attach to a workflow template. Then select which workflow template(s) you;d like to have use the form from the popup

      Attaching a data form to a workflow
  • Workflow forms are shared between the workflow and each of it's workflow tasks. Users are able to enter or edit any of the form fields from the workflow or any of it's tasks

    Workflow data
    Workflow data tab
    Workflow task data
    Workflow task data tab